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NHTSA ID Number:10191568
Manufacturer Communication Number: 15-272-20R
This bulletin contains illustrations of exchange components and their manufacturer as well as a description of the proper exchange procedure.
This bulletin contains illustrations of exchange components and their manufacturer as well as a description of the proper exchange procedure. The exchange program policy can also be found in Sections 8.4.9 and 11.2.10 of your Claims Policies and Procedures Manual found in Subarunet.
Within the terms of the Basic New Car Warranty and the one year Replacement Parts Warranty, the Exchange Program provides for replacement of a defective unit from the manufacturer.
OIn the event the vehicle is “New” and “In-stock”, inform the Service Center. A new unit will be supplied rather than a remanufactured unit. If the Service Center is unable to provide a new unit, immediately contact a Subaru Retailer Claims Specialist at 1-866-782-2782 prior to placing an order for further instructions.
IThe replacement of a new unit, other than new units supplied through the exchange program, requires authorization from a Subaru of America, Inc. Retailer Claims Specialist at 1-866-782-2782. An authorization code will be provided and must be included upon claim submission.
Vehicles that have been placed in demo service should use exchange units only.