7.3L – Ticking/Clicking/Tapping Noise At Idle From Lower Front Of Engine – 2020-2022 Ford F-Super Duty

Some 2020-2022 F-Super Duty vehicles equipped with a 7.3L engine and built on or

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NHTSA ID Number: 10213709

Manufacturer Communication Number: SSM 50830


Some 2020-2022 F-Super Duty vehicles equipped with a 7.3L engine and built on or before 11-May-2022 may exhibit a ticking/clicking/tapping noise at idle that is loudest at the front of the engine where the front timing cover meets the oil pan. This may be due to a cracked oil pump drive gear. If the noise originates from the lower front of the engine, remove the accessory drive belt and retest. If the noise is still present, remove the oil pan and rotate the crankshaft 360 degrees to inspect for cracking. If cracked, replace the oil pump drive gear (LC3Z-6306-A).

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Manufacturer Communications

SSM 50830 – 2020-2022 F-Super Duty – 7.3L – Ticking/Clicking/Tapping Noise At Idle From Lower Front Of Engine – Built On Or Before 11-May-2022

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