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NHTSA ID Number:10182602
Manufacturer Communication Number: WTH-68
This repair procedure was previously published in TSB number 07-89-15R. In the interest of customer satisfaction, Subaru of America, Inc. (Subaru) is now initiating a service program for certain 2015 and 2016 model year Legacy and Outback vehicles as described in this Service Program bulletin.
During ocean transportation of the EGI Main relays, moisture may be absorbed into them from exposure to very high ambient humidity conditions. During normal operation, this moisture is heated by the relay’s electric coils and evaporated while the engine is running however, it may not all be eliminated. If the vehicle is used in extreme cold temperatures (-20C / -4F), ice crystals may form on the relay’s contacts due to rapid heat radiation after the engine is turned off. As a result, these ice crystals can insulate and prevent electricity from flowing and lead to a contact failure.
Should this occur, the engine may fail to start immediately. For example: if the engine is started under extreme cold temperatures, shut-off and left to ?soak? for approximately 20 minutes and then restarted, the described relay freezing/no-start condition may occur requiring several attempts to start the engine.
Each Subaru retailer will receive an affected VIN list from their Zone Office when owner notification begins. Vehicles will be assigned to retailers in the affected VIN list as follows:
Original vehicle owners are assigned to the original selling retailer when their current address is within a 100-mile radius of that retailer.
Original vehicle owners are assigned to the original selling retailer when their current address is within a 100-mile radius of that retailer.
For any new owners or when original owners live more than 100 miles from the original selling retailer, the VIN has been assigned to the nearest active retailer.Important: Retailer affected VIN lists include owner name and address information for vehicles affected by this service program. This information will enable retailers to follow up with owners of potentially affected vehicles. The lists contain owners’ names and addresses obtained from State Motor Vehicle Registration Records. The use of such motor vehicle registration data for any other purpose is unlawful. Accordingly, retailers are required to limit the use of these lists for the purpose of completion of this service program.
Any vehicles listed in a Service Program which are in the retailer’s stock must be:
Immediately identified
Tagged or otherwise marked to prevent their delivery or use prior to repair
Repaired in accordance with the repair procedures outlined in this bulletin
Retailers are to promptly perform the applicable service procedures to correct all affected vehicles in their inventory (used, demo & SSLP). Additionally, whenever a vehicle subject to this service program is taken into retailer inventory, or in for service, necessary steps should be taken to ensure the service program correction has been made before selling or releasing the vehicle.
Notification letters will be sent by first class mail to owners of all potentially affected vehicles by early September, 2016. A copy of the letter is included at the end of this bulletin.